RVing with Adult Autism: Tips and Strategies for a Successful Trip

RVing with Adult Autism: Tips and Strategies for a Successful Trip


Embarking on an RV adventure can be an exciting and memorable experience for individuals with autism. However, to ensure a successful and enjoyable journey, it is crucial to approach the trip with careful planning and consideration. In this guide, we will explore various tips and strategies specifically tailored to RVing with adult autism, providing valuable insights and practical advice for a positive travel experience.

1. Plan Ahead:

Planning plays a vital role in minimizing stress and anxiety for individuals with autism. Create a comprehensive travel itinerary that outlines key details, including rest stops, activities, and attractions along the route. This structured approach provides a sense of routine and predictability, which can greatly comfort individuals who thrive on familiarity.

2. Familiarize with the RV:

Before hitting the road, take the time to familiarize the individual with the RV. Allow them to explore the space, understand its layout, and learn how various systems work. This hands-on approach can help alleviate any apprehension and contribute to their overall relaxation and comfort during the journey.

3. Create a Sensory-Friendly Space:

RVs can be overwhelming with their different sounds, smells, and textures. To address this, consider creating a sensory-friendly environment within the vehicle. Bring along familiar items that provide comfort, such as a favorite blanket, pillows, or stuffed animals. Additionally, noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs can help block out unwanted sounds, while fidget toys or other sensory items can aid in promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

4. Stick to a Routine:

Routine is crucial for individuals with autism, as it helps establish a sense of security and comfort. While on the trip, try to maintain consistency by sticking to similar meal times, bedtimes, and daily activities as their established home routine. This continuity will provide reassurance and familiarity in the new and unfamiliar environment.

5. Plan Sensory-Friendly Activities:

Incorporating sensory-friendly activities into the trip itinerary can greatly enhance the experience. Consider the individual’s interests and preferences when selecting outdoor activities, such as nature walks, birdwatching, or visiting parks. Ensure that the activities align with their sensory needs and provide opportunities for engagement and enjoyment.

6. Effective Communication:

Communication is key to a successful RV trip. Prior to the journey, engage in open and clear discussions with the individual about the trip, including what to expect and any changes in routine. Utilize visual schedules, social stories, or other visual aids to help them understand and prepare for the journey. Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings throughout the trip, fostering open lines of communication and ensuring their comfort and well-being.

7. Take Breaks and Allow Downtime:

Recognize the importance of breaks and downtime during the trip. Plan regular stops along the way, allowing the individual to decompress, recharge, and relax. Incorporate sensory activities or quiet time into the breaks to provide them with the necessary opportunities to unwind and rejuvenate.

8. Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability:

Every individual with autism is unique, with their own set of preferences and needs. Embrace flexibility and adaptability throughout the journey, making adjustments as necessary to accommodate their specific requirements. Maintain a patient and understanding approach, allowing for changes in plans or routines when needed.


By following these tips and strategies, you can create a successful RV trip for individuals with autism and their families. Remember to tailor the experience to the individual’s needs and preferences, embracing their unique strengths and challenges. With careful planning, effective communication, and a compassionate approach, an RV adventure can become a cherished memory and an opportunity for growth and connection.